3/50 Project.

This really puts things into perspective! Hope you all plan to shop local this Holiday season and help out your local independently owned businesses, as well as your community.

What is the 3/50 Project?

3 What 3 independently owned businesses would you miss if they disappeared? Stop in. Say hello.Pick up something that brings a smile. Your purchases are what keeps those businesses around.

50 If half the employed population spent $50 each month in locally owned businesses, it would generate more than $46 billion in revenue. Imagine the positive impact if 3/4 the employed population did that.

68 For every $100 spent in locally owned stores, $68 returns to the community through taxes, payroll, and other expenditures. If you spend that in a national chain, only $43 stays here, spend it online and nothing comes home.

1 The number of people it takes to start the trend...YOU!

Pick 3. Spend $50. Save the economy.

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