Our Favorite Trend for Spring 09
"Happy Hippie" / Bohemian Trend
Tips for the bohemian fashion trend:

Sandals and moccasins are great for spring and summer, cowboy boots, fringe, or moccasin boots are perfect for the fall and winter. Bohemian colors are generally earth tones, but when you get into funky patterns you can go with any color that suits you.

on the NY runway

If you're looking to take this trend all the way, go for it! Great bohemian tops by Ivy Jane, Karlie, and Ryu will give you a bold look in no time. Layer on vests and sweaters. Bohemian skirts and dresses are nice and flowy with a peasant look (check out this Ivy Jane skirt - now @ sugar).

When going for the bohemian look with jeans, the more comfortable, the better: loose ripped jeans or tight bell bottoms are so boho it hurts. (Think William Rast Jupiter flare, for example, also avaliable @ sugar)

If you're just trying to get the bohemian vibe without going all the way, then try the accessory route. Vintage jewelry, such as our great wooden bangles and vintage filigree earrings usually ooze boho, loose scarves, funky beaded and leather belts (worn loosely around the hips) are so bohomian chic, and wearing a headband speaks boho in volumes without screaming "look-at-me-i'm-so-boho!"

This look is timeless, are you going to go boho this Spring?
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