2020 word of the year : PIVOT!!!!!
if you're a F R I E N D S fan, then you know. The PIVOT!!! episode ("The One With The Cop") was one of the very best and somehow it's become a meme that best describes a year of the very worst.
That's right, friends. If we've haven't learned anything else in 2020, we have learned to PIVOT! The brides who thought they had plans for a wedding date had to PIVOT. The graduates who thought they had plans post-college (or even a graduation ceremony...nope) had to PIVOT. The parents who thought their children would return to school in the Fall only to find out they wouldn't...had to PIVOT. Teachers who've entered a whole new field of virtual learning...PIVOT. The business owners who thought they had it all figured out after running their businesses for decades...indeed had to PIVOT. The list goes on...and on...and on... Trust me our hearts go out to you!
Restaurants implemented delivery, boutiques provided curbside pickup and those who didn't have an e-commerce learned quickly. It has truly been a year of change and a year of "well that didn't go so well, what shall we do next?" and "how do we make this work?" We tried "Sandi's Steal of the Day", "Spoonful of Sugar" gift boxes, implemented curbside pickup (and still do!) and much more during that ten week closure this Spring. It's a year for trying new things and doing whatever it takes to merely keep our heads above water, right?
our friends over at Girl Tribe Co in Charlotte said it best too...

Even since we re-opened we have still looked for new ways to PIVOT and switch things up to survive the uncharted waters of 2020. We're currently exploring new plans for Black Friday that we've never tried before and have exciting ideas in place for Christmas promotions as well.
Constantly brainstorming. Constantly working. Constantly fatigued, burnt out and contemplating throwing in the towel if we're being honest here. I'm sure I'm not the only one. All that being said, we've decided to take a quick break from the shop and have planned a "Sugar employee retreat" + Fall travel photoshoot , which we've never done before.
Any other year (for the past 12 years) I would have traveled to Atlanta market at least six times by now, sometimes 8-12 times. There were NYC market trips, Vegas, West Palm when we carried Lilly and more. Market isn't just about ordering goods for the store. Those visits inspire me, motivate me and fill my cup so I can come back to the shop and relay all of that fun fashion back to YOU! With only one trip to Atlanta back in January (would have never thought that would be my one and only of 2020) we've decided to make this "employee retreat/fashion photoshoot" an inspiring , much needed travel for 2020.
YES! Road trip time!!!
photo via rapidleaks.com
During this fun retreat, we plan to...
1. TAKE AAALL THE PHOTOS. most will be of fun new merch we will launch over the next few weeks. Styles we have strategically stocked up on so that you have more time to get your hands on them! (Also plan to take new team photos because we haven't in meeeeeh, two years. HA! Time flies, right? A website update/refresh is long overdue)
2. BRAINSTORM, BRAINSTORM, BRAINSTORM. PLAN, PLAN. PLAN. The 4th quarter is usually every retailer's busiest of the year and we want to be prepared for all of you who plan to shop for the holidays earlier than ever. We've already wrapped Christmas presents for some customers this month (YES!) and know most have started early to ensure they don't have to fight crowds and risk Covid exposure later on. However, you KNOW we also want make sure we have enough stock for our last minute gals....(and guys, let's face it. HA!) through. We're so excited about the fun events we hope to plan and again, aaaaall of our biggest sales (Black Friday + Cyber Monday)
3. BE INSPIRED. RECHARGE. REFLECT. REWARD. My sweet Sugar gals have worked harder than EVER this year. Some have survived this awful Covid-19 (over the Summer and during school - not while working) and have had many of life's special moments (graduations, etc...) ripped away from them. I'm so proud of them and know 100000% I would have never survived this year without them. They're truly like family to me and we're definitely looking forward to a trip together to celebrate how far we've come this year + plan the rest of the year with hearts full of hope.
We're traveling to one of our favorite cities in the entire world. Where do you think we'll go? Follow along over on our Instagram @scsugar for sneak peeks and we can't WAIT to show you all of the fun #sugswag that's landing right here at scsugar.com sooooon.
A HUGE thank you to everyone who has continued to shop small and shop local with us throughout this unthinkable year. We sit here in a puddle of tears thinking of how amazing our customers are and how incredibly blessed WE are to have you. Fact is, you know we certainly wouldn't be here without you and we will strive each day to be the best we can be FOR. YOU.
If there's anything you're looking for this Fall/Holiday in particular or any fun ideas you may have for events/promotions/sales.... please please please let us know. Always open to ideas and we absolutely love feedback!
and friends if you're burnt out and struggling to make it to 2021, we encourage YOU to take time for yourself to "unplug" and "unwind". You know a glass of bubbly is always waiting for you at 334 Main Street along with your best Sug gals and lots of retail therapy.
We love y'all!
sandi & the Sugar gals
OPEN TOMORROW, 10.10 | 10-4pm
*ALL ONLINE ORDERS placed today or before NOON Saturday will SHIP SATURDAY. Please remember USPS is closed on Monday in observance of Columbus Day so the mail will not run that day.
*LOCAL PICKUPS placed after 12 noon on Saturday will be ready on Wednesday 10.14*
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