drastic times call for drastic measures.
Like @lonestarsouthern, I absolutely loathe conflict and tension. I'm a people pleaser by nature and want everyone to remain happy , calm and satisfied!
Not everyone will make the same decisions during these trying times and not everyone will agree with every single decision made. All that said, we've decided to close our storefront at 334 Main Street until further notice.

We are so thankful that all of our inventory is available online at scsugar.com and we will shift 100% of our focus to adding even more new styles online + making your online shopping experience the best (and simplest!) it can possibly be. We launched free shipping across the board, on all orders yesterday. No promo code necessary. We also plan to get creative with more try-on-session videos, live sales, promotional codes, TikTok videos (follow us over there @scsugar), etc... We're excited to bring you even more blog content, giveaways, preorder opportunities, behind the scenes and more.
If we can't see you guys face to face, expect a LOT more videos so so you can at least feel as if you're in the store shopping with us, even if you're stuck at home.
Is this ideal for any of us? No.
Is it crucial that we all devote ourselves to social distancing for the next few weeks? Absolutely.
I've followed the Covid-19 happenings for weeks now. One of my very best friends works for a company whose headquarters is in Milan, Italy. She would relay info from them and I'm not going to lie, that's when I started to panic a little.
What's happening there is horrific (and if you aren't aware of what is going on there, please read THIS ARTICLE). This is what will happen to us here in the US if we do not take social distancing seriously. When @lonestarsouthern posted THIS ARTICLE Sunday night and I began to see other boutiques across the country make the decision to close, I knew exactly what we had to do.
Most of you know I lost my dad to a sudden heart attack just a few months after I opened Sugar and it was just one month before my wedding. This was all also in the midst of the "Great Recession of 2008". I'm here to tell you folks that if I can make it through that unimaginable year, I am certain us girls here at Sugar can make it through anything.
I never want to look back and wish I had closed sooner and/or regret not doing anything and everything within my power to prevent the spread of this vicious virus. With no living grandparents, I only have my mom now (who turns 60 in just a few weeks and we just had to cancel her first ever NYC trip to celebrate...) and I have a wonderful grandmother-in-law + father-in-law + mother-in-law who mean the absolute world to me.
My mother-in-law has an auto immune disease + COPD and lives every day with an oxygen tank by her side. While yes, she will be distancing herself from everyone over the next few weeks, I do hope you all understand my concern for anyone and everyone like her. Those with preexisting health conditions, our elders, pregnant moms, etc... There's just too much uncertainty with this virus and the scariest part is that you (and especially children who would show no symptoms) could have it and not even know, then spread it to others around you.
This is not about us.
I beg you, please stay home and and continue to support your local, small businesses through online shopping, restaurant pick up, etc. It means more to us now than ever and is the only way to ensure survival for most!!.
This too shall pass.
Stay safe, stay well and as always, thank you from the bottom of our hearts for shopping with us. We have the absolute sweetest customers and we look forward to keeping our online space (Facebook, Instagram, this blog, our website, etc...) a SWEET, joyful, happy beacon during such a panic-filled time.
If there's anything at all we can do to help you or anyone you may know of in need, please do not hesitate to reach out.
Sending lots love and virtual hugs your way!
Sandi, Kayla and the Sugar gals
PS. We also promise you guys that every piece of inventory that comes through our doors is steamed and we will continue to keep our workspace thoroughly cleaned and disinfected. We are such germaphobes to begin with y'all, I swear.
Thank you so much for taking care of our community. This IS the right decision!
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