Kayla joined the team, Lord I can't even remember now...six years ago!?? Time flies, y'all. It was before we moved locations, which was five years ago this year. I feel as if she's been with me the whole time and she is truly my right hand gal. She's the glue that keeps this place together and keeps it running smoothly. The hardest working gal I know. Truly do not know what I would do without her! A blessing to this business and a blessing to every customer who meets her...
I actually met Kayla through my sister because years ago Kayla began dating one of my sister's husband's best friends (Matthew). Did ya get all that?
So they later married and they've all been in a close knit group of friends ever since. All years younger than me, I think of them as my baby sisters for sure!
Here's Kayla with my littlest, Charlie...
We've been through weddings together (fun fact: I actually directed Kayla & Matthew's wedding and it was so. much. fun) and we've welcomed a lot of sweet babies into this world. This is Kayla, me and my boys all holding my sister's baby girl Macy the day she was born!
and this is me, Kayla and my sister Courtney (a "Hall" sister sandwich) at Kayla & Matt's baby shower. This photo truly represents how much we love this girl.
It's been so fun to work alongside each other every day and raise our boys together. She is the BEST mama I the world, y'all. I'm not kidding. It doesn't surprise me because she gives everything 110%!
Kayla and our sweet customer, Suzanne, at Sugar's 10th birthday celebration
Kayla, me, and my sister Courtney with my niece Macy. Courtney was pregnant with her son, Skip, in this photo...
I don't just call her Sugar's store manager or a friend...I call her family.
So incredibly thankful for her and want you guys to give her lots of shout outs on Instagram and Facebook to help brighten her quarantine birthday! I know how much she misses seeing everyone and we can't WAIT to throw a big bash once this is all over. There will be lots of cake, for Kayla's belated 30th celebration and to celebrate re-opening so get ready. It can't get here soon enough!
Hope you enjoy your day at home with lots of Hamp snuggles and we hope you have the BEST bday.
Cheers to you, pretty mama.
-Sandi & all the Sugar gals
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